# User-Installable Commands

# Step 1: Discord Developer Portal

# How do I tell Discord I want my bot support installable apps?

Simple! Go to the Discord Developer Portal, select your application, go to it's installation tab and tick "User Install"

Afterwards, copy the install link. Paste it somewhere in Discord.

And then, click it and select "Try it Now" from the popup.

# Step 2: In-Editor Setup

# How do I tell BMD I want to register a command as installable?

First, make sure your command is any of the following types: Slash command, Message Command, User Command

Afterwards, select "Permissions"

From the permissions menu, I recommend selecting "Nothing" as the limit. This will make the command available in both a server and an user's DMs

To finish it up, toggle on the comically large "Installable" toggle.

And now, restart your bot (CTRL+Q Twice) and restart your Discord client (CTRL+R)